
Emmanuel Biwott

I am Emmanuel Biwott, long distance runner from Kenya. Specialised in half marathon and marathon. The reason why I am partner of the Stichting Zorgeloos Kind is because healthcare for children is very important. I am a father of 2 children and knowing how poor the healthcare in Kenya is, makes me to support good initiatives like this very much. Children deserve the best care and they need people like you and me to make that happen.



  • Stichting Zorgeloos Kind
  • Greffelingsedijk 5
  • 6626AW Alphen
  • IBAN: NL02 RABO 0118656627
  • Email: [email protected]
Stichting Zorgeloos Kind staat bij de Belastingdienst geregistreerd als algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI).

RSIN: 8527 18 731